How Telemedicine Software Solves Provider Burnout

Several years ago, patients were suffering a lot due to disrupted healthcare. Due to provider shortages
and high deductibles, patients were unable to get the care that they deserve. What about providers? They
are also under stress.

Did you know? Nearly 48 percent of U.S. healthcare physicians suffer from burnout issues. Among the
resident physicians, 51 percent reported symptoms of burnout. Another 2018 Medscape survey involving
15,000 U.S. physicians revealed several factors such as long working hours, extensive paperwork, and lack
of respect from patients that could contribute to burnout issues. According to the Association of American
Medical Colleges (AAMC) survey, the U.S. will be facing a shortage of physicians of up to around 139,000
by 2033.

Why do providers experience burnout issues?

Wondering why these providers experience burnout? They lack the independence to offer the best care for
their patients. They are forced to focus only on their organization’s profitability. Hence, these providers
lose enthusiasm for work thereby resulting in poor work performance. Furthermore, burnout can harm
patient-physician relationships which could increase the possibility of medical errors. Around 300 to 400
physicians commit suicide every year due to depression.

Other challenges faced by the providers involve:


  • Reimbursement issues
  • Extensive traveling where providers have to spend hours on the road
  • Technological barriers


Hence, it’s time to proceed with telemedicine software development. Telemedicine software, if implemented
across the nation, can help physicians address the above-mentioned challenges, and here’s how.

How Telemedicine Software Solves Provider Burnout

Reduce travel

Without driving to various clinics, the providers can expand their service coverage across the boundaries
by providing virtual care anywhere, anytime. Compared to direct visits, virtual visits help providers to
consult more patients in a shorter duration.

Retain already existing patients and attract new patients

Telehealth program helps providers to attract new patients and retain them from the comfort of their


Save time

Telehealth allows providers to save time by managing their tasks efficiently with fewer missed
appointments. Furthermore, they can have great flexibility in their work schedules and increase their sense
of autonomy.

Increase access to care

If more importance is given to patients over ROI, the providers can reduce burnout. Telehealth helps
organizations by increasing access to care. Hence, there will be an increase in the overall patient
satisfaction score.

Furthermore, only a few physicians practice in rural areas. Hence, patients from rural areas have to travel
a long distance to visit the hospital. This is where telemedicine helps patients to save time and money by
consulting doctors online.

Improves physician shortage

As mentioned already, the U.S. is facing a shortage of physicians. In that case, telehealth helps where the
available physicians can manage their patients effectively without getting stressed and the patients will also
receive the timely care that they deserve.

Key takeaway

The American Hospital Association (AHA) reported that more than 75 percent of hospitals use telehealth
services. Compared to the pre-COVID condition, providers have reported 50x to 175x improvement in
virtual visits.

Currently, employers and educational institutions have started using telehealth to offer timely care to their
employees and students respectively.
Hence, it is the right time to opt for telemedicine software development if not been done before.

HealthSoul, the right partner for telemedicine software development, offers a personalized secure
telemedicine platform for high-quality video consultation without any need for downloads. Furthermore,
this telemedicine software adapts easily according to any device.

So, reach out to Health Soul right away and get telemedicine software implemented as per your






Categories: Digital Marketing
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