Categories: Healthcare

The Journey to Sustainable Weight Loss: Results-Oriented Strategies

Obese and overweight individuals tend to suffer higher oxidative stress, inflammation, and metabolic dysfunction levels. Hence, it is no secret that maintaining a healthy life and longevity come from maintaining a healthy body weight.

However, several fad diets and scam weight loss programs offer easy weight loss routes. Unfortunately, this route becomes short-lived since they need to be more sustainable.

In light of this, we welcome you to this expedition, the journey to sustainable weight loss. This is a personal quest to effect a lasting change and self-discovery. It is a journey to unleash your full potential and stay in good shape.

So fasten your seatbelt, and join us on this ride to a sustainable weight loss. It promises to focus on realistic, friendly, and maintainable approaches. By the end of this article, you will discover the secrets to shedding off those extra pounds and keeping them off for the better. Let’s dive in!

Strategy one: Intermittent Fasting

If you’re searching for a sustainable, results-oriented weight loss strategy that keeps the extra pounds away for a long time, then intermittent fasting is the holy grail. While other quick-fix weight loss programs focus on what and how to eat, IF focuses on when. It is a weight loss strategy that involves keeping a tab on the number of times you eat in a 24hr period. 

In simple terms, it is a weight loss plan that involves switching between fasting and eating on a regular basis. Experts have proved this weight loss strategy gives a lasting result.

There are different approaches to intermittent fasting that will fit any lifestyle. It ranges from simple 12-hour fasting to more challenging steps like 24-48 hr water fasting. Let us look at a few of them below. 

  • Water Fasting involves total and absolute abstinence from solid food except for only water intake. It is therapeutic and one of the tools that assist the body to self-heal. So engaging in water fasting has so many benefits. Not only does it help you to lose some extra pounds, but it also helps the body to heal.
  • 16:8 IF Plan: This intermittent fasting plan entails skipping meals for 16 hrs. However, it offers you an eating window of 8 hrs. This may sound complex for beginners. But there are other easier plans.
  • 12-Hour IF Plan: As the name implies, it offers a 50-50 eating and fasting window. You can modify this plan to suit your daily life. Most people choose to fast in the night and eat during the day.

The list of intermittent fasting plans goes on and on. The goal is to find what fits your lifestyle and capacity, then go for the change you need.

Strategy Two: Get Your Body Moving

A deliberate increase in physical activity is a purposeful and more reliable way to lose weight. The truth is that a regular trip to the gym is a great choice, but you must not wait till then before you get your body moving. 

An hour of mild but intense body movement each is ideal. It may be a walk in the yard, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or walking just a few meters. You can also move with a skipping rope and dance in your sitting room. However, if an hour of physical activity seems unattainable, why not try 150 minutes per week, as suggested by experts?

Another great thing about getting moving is that it does not only focus on weight loss. It also helps to increase your body’s metabolism and builds muscles that help to store fats for a longer time.

So don’t settle for just sitting always; get moving and lose several pounds off the weights. Go out for a fun game with friends, Take the dog for a walk, or take the bicycle for a morning ride. Watch the changes that come with getting moving. But remember that your results highly depend on the duration of your physical activity.

Strategy Three: Stay Motivated and Stay Discipline

One of the keys to a successful weight loss journey is consistency. But how do you remain consistent and determined on your weight loss journey? Well, you can begin by finding something that keeps you motivated. 

Have it in mind that no other person can help you to remove the extra pounds. So you must position drivers, things that will help you stay focused, disciplined, and determined to become way lighter than you used to be. You can start by answering specific questions. For example, why do you want to lose weight? Is it just for overall body health? Is there a vacation you don’t want to miss around the corner? 

You can also set alarms on your phone and place motivational quotes on your doors and refrigerators. Also, you can choose a group or person that will serve as a referee and coach in your high-loss career. As it should be, find people that will encourage you and give you a leap on your journey.  

However, some people may want to keep their weight loss plans private. Overall, there must be something that fuels your desire to lose weight. It can either be to yourself or to a group of persons who are there to lift you when you’re down.

Strategy Four: Be Mindful of What You Consume

All that glitters is not gold. Also, not all that is green is food. You can destroy a long-term weight loss journey by eating something you’re not supposed to eat. Mindful consumption involves paying complete attention to what you eat, its benefits, and how it makes your body feel. Unlike the other fad diets that tell you what to eat, mindful eating only says how you should eat. It involves eating nourishing food and moderate eating. You also have hunger and fullness cues. 

Through mindful eating, you can gain power over unnecessary cravings, make informed food choices, and have a different yet unique approach to weight loss. 

It also helps you to create your own food rules. When you are careful, intentional, and attentive about what goes into your stomach, you can reduce certain stress levels and give rest to the body.

Bottom Line

As we press the brake and halt this journey to sustainable weight loss, we believe you have been equipped with some crucial, result-oriented approaches to weight loss. 

Keep in mind that you now hold the keys to a sustainable transformation. Keep at heart the vitality of intermittent fasting, the importance of motivation on this journey, and the power of physical activities. 

Finally, remember to be conscious of what you feed your stomach as they may be critical in bringing your weight loss efforts to futility. By incorporating these strategies into your daily weight loss routine, you’re sure to get the best results.

This post was last modified on July 27, 2023 6:31 am

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