Categories: Healthcare

Boost Health & Happiness With A Home Garden

Have you ever thought about how a home garden can bring a little happiness into your life? Many of us have been plagued by that one gardening experience gone wrong and took that to mean that we just weren’t blessed with the green thumb. The thing about gardening is that there’s really a science behind it, and some plants are just flat out easier to grow than others. Besides, you can pair some of your favorite relaxation methods like safe, effective CBDfx vape pens with gardening and really boost your mental morale. Also, did you know that gardens have been a form of therapy since ancient days in Egypt? So, you see, there’s something special about gardens that have been providing therapy for quite some time. If you’re still not convinced, let’s look into some of the other benefits.

Relive Stress & Anxiety By Grounding Yourself 

Grounding is a technique that is used to center yourself, and although there are many forms of grounding, the one we’ll reference today is that of grounding yourself outside in nature. All you really have to do is be barefoot outside in the dirt, allowing your soles to connect with the earth underneath your feet. This works because the earth is a natural source of energy––electrons and energy fields. If we take it back to physics, everything on and within this earth is energy, so by placing your feet on the ground you’re taking in those energies from the earth. Sure, it sounds very “hippie”, but don’t knock it until you try it! It’s a great way to eliminate stress, anxiety, depression, and even PTSD.

Self-Confidence Boost

There’s so much we can say about growing food and being able to harvest that food from the dirt to feed you and your family. The best part is that most fruit and vegetable plants are much easier to grow than pretty flowers. Call me crazy, but it feels like you just water them and they grow, it never seems that simple with the potted flower varieties. Some of the easier fruit and vegetable plants to start with are cherry tomatoes, zucchini, strawberries, as well as any of the herbs. It’s such a rewarding feeling to see those little seedlings or baby plants sprout up and outward with tiny fruits and veggies that you grew all by yourself! Gardening, even if out on your patio with potted plants, is a great way to decrease stress, anxiety, and really just take your mind of all of the hustle and bustle––just have some time to connect with yourself.

Start Small With House Plants

Maybe you’re still not sold on the whole outdoor garden thing, and if that is the case, you can start with a few low maintenance indoor houseplants. It’s actually quite amazing to think about how many benefits house plants can bring you just by sitting in the corner. Did you know that just by having houseplants around you can experience a boost in mood, concentration, and creativity? Or, house plants like the snake plant can remove toxins from your environment and even filter out radiation? In fact, NASA states that houses plants can remove up to 87% of toxins from your household air. Aside from these amazing factors, plants can decrease stress levels and make you more productive. So you see, starting with a low maintenance plant is super easy with tons of benefits, and if you like it you can venture out into potted plants or a garden!

Immunity Boost

We seem to be making our way out of the whole COVID ordeal, but when mandatory lockdowns were in place the number of people starting home gardens spiked tremendously. It’s not surprising that people were finding beneficial ways to be outdoors and soak up Vitamin D. Many health officials worried about the mental health status of the nation because being indoors for too long can cause depression and anxiety, and this is heavily related to Vitamin D. When we get that natural light, it improves our moods, and even our immune system, as well as other things such as inflammation in the body. So, let those sun rays shine down on you while you tend to your plants––you’ll both benefit!

Burn Some Calories

This might come as a surprise to you, but you can actually burn calories while crafting the garden of your dreams! It’s a moderate exercise, and you can burn around 300 calories by simply playing in the dirt! Not to mention, all of that bending down and squatting is great for toning up muscles.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve been tossing around the idea of gardening for a while what’s stopping you? There are so many ways you can get started. You can start with a houseplant, or you can even start by taking some seeds from fruits and veggies you have around the house and plant them in an egg carton and watch them grow! It’s rewarding and it can boost your health in so many ways!

This post was last modified on July 4, 2023 12:58 pm

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