Categories: Psychiatry

4 Things to Know About Depression

Most people have heard of depression, but not everyone understands it. If you have someone in your family who deals with the condition, you might want to learn more about it. Doing so can make it easier for you to relate to them and connect with them.

We’ll discuss a few things you ought to know about depression in the following article.

You Can Treat Depression Without Needing to Tell Your Family

Some people feel depressed, and they might go see a doctor to determine if they do, in fact, have clinical depression. However, some individuals might suspect that they have clinical depression, but they don’t want to see a doctor or mental health professional about it.

They might not want to see anyone because they feel like if a medical professional determines that they have clinical depression, that information might get out to family members, friends, or coworkers. They might feel like there’s still a stigma around mental health conditions like depression, and they do not want anyone to look at them differently.

If this sounds like your situation, you should know that a doctor or mental health professional cannot share your medical records with anyone unless you explicitly permit them to do that. If a doctor shares that you’ve had a clinical depression diagnosis with anyone without your permission, that is a HIPAA violation.

HIPAA violation can cause a $100,000 fine, so it’s not likely any doctor would risk that. Also, they ought to respect your privacy, so it should not be an issue.

If you suspect you’re dealing with clinical depression, you should not let the fear that anyone will find out about it keep you from seeking help. You can give the doctor permission to share this diagnosis only with those you feel comfortable telling about it. If you do not want to share this information with anyone, your doctor will follow your lead.

Depression Can Run in Families

No one knows precisely what causes clinical depression. Studies sometimes point to chemical imbalances, but it can also run in families.

If you know that your family has clinical depression history, like if several of your relatives have dealt with it, that makes it much more likely that you will have it as well. If you feel that you’re exhibiting some traits, you can get a doctor or mental health professional to examine you. If you have other family members who have received a clinical depression diagnosis, though, you should not let that same outcome surprise you.

You Can Often Treat It with Drugs

Many times, if a doctor or mental health professional determines that you have clinical depression, you can treat it with prescriptions. You might feel like you want to avoid taking anything, but if so, that might mean you’ll continue grappling with this condition.

Depression can get bad enough in some instances that you might struggle just to roll out of bed and face the day each morning. You may have a tough time getting to school, working, or taking care of your kids.

Sometimes, trying a drug regimen is the best option if you reach this point. There are different ones you can try, and it’s likely that if you tinker with the prescription for a while, a doctor might come up with a combination that can help you establish a healthier and happier mental baseline.

The Seasons Can Impact It

You should also know that sometimes, the seasons can impact your mood if you’ve received a clinical depression diagnosis. For instance, if you live in a part of the country with harsh winters, you might have to deal with SAD, or seasonal affective disorder.

The lack of sunshine and cold weather for months can cause chemical imbalances that make it even more difficult than usual to keep depressive feelings at bay. There are medications that can help with this as well, though.

You might also want to consider moving to a different climate if that’s an option for you. Some individuals with depression that’s more tied to the seasons can find relief if they move somewhere that has nicer weather year-round.

You should know that while clinical depression isn’t easy to deal with, there are more treatment options and less of a stigma around it than ever before. Seeking help will be the first step, so don’t let the thought that people will look at you differently stop you from getting the treatment you need.

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