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Overview of O'Connor Hospital

O'Connor Hospital is a Acute Care Hospital in San Jose, CA, USA. Find patient reviews, specialty ranking and compare with nearby hospitals.

Total beds: 348

Hospital Type: Acute Care Hospital

No of Affiliated Doctors: 377

Specialities: Multi Speciality
Affiliated Providers :
Show all 377 doctors

Patient ratings

of O'Connor Hospital



Doctor's care


Nursing care


Food Services


Medicare Quality data

The Medicare quality data presented below is derived from the www.cms.gov hospital compare data. Star ratings are limited in scope to the data sources they are derived from. The Hospital Compare overall hospital rating summarizes a variety of measures across 7 areas of quality into a single rating for each hospital.

Overall rating


Patient Experience


Safety of care


Timeliness of care


Staying out of Hospital after treatment


Above national average

Same as national average

Below national average

Patient Experience (HCHAPS) data from Medicare

This data is based on HCAHPS survey by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (www.cms.gov).The HCAHPS survey is administered to a random sample of adult patients across medical conditions between 48 hours and 6 weeks after discharge; the survey isn't restricted to Medicare beneficiaries. Hospital Compare currently reports results for the categories listed below. ย  ย 

69% Patients that would definitely recommend ( 3% lower than the national average )

Patient reviews of O'Connor Hospital


Services Used:

Dr. Xihua Sun's staff ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘ŽNever in a million years have I ever experienced the most UNPROFESSIONAL RECEPTIONIST/STAFF MEMBER, IN MY LIFE, as I did at Dr. Sun's office! She had an attitude and was extremely rude from the start. Trying to explain anything to her was like talking to a wall. She wanted to have a one-way conversation and she made it clear that she was the gatekeeper and had the power over scheduling an appt. When I brought it to her attention that she was rude and unprofessional, she "claimed" she wasn't, however, neglected to work with me while trying to schedule an appt and discuss some specifics directly related to the patient I was scheduling for. She told me she didn't have to take the abuse. Referring to me letting her know she was being rude and unprofessional. She's the abusive one. What a word to throw around. She was being a bully on the phone. I find it hard to believe that someone extremely rude and unprofessional like her had the job of working with the public. You can tell she found it very satisfying in telling me off, as bully's do. Does Dr. Sun even realize what kind of person is working for him and his patients/potential patients? Why is this behavior OK? It's already stressful to have to make appts and deal with whatever the patient has going on, then you get this whack-a-doodle answering the phones and having some sort of power trip?! Obliviously, I haven't been the first to tell her how rude and unprofessional she was because of how offended she became and that's when she threatened me multiple times with cancelling the appt and terminating our call - bully. Only a person that knows the truth and the truth hurts behaves that way - bully. ANY PROFESSIONAL WOULD NOT RESPOND THAT WAY. As a matter of fact, most people working in the medical field are "kind, compassionate, caring and understanding". She was polar opposite of all the above. It baffles me that Dr. Sun would allow such an rude, incompetent and unprofessional person to work for him as this is a complete reflection on him. This is NOT OK! She needs to be evaluated for anger management and narcissism. Dr. Sun should be embarrassed that he has someone like her working for him. I hope that other patients/potential patients don't have to go through what I did. It's disheartening to have to know she is in the medical field and treating people this way by bullying them. It takes very little energy to be kind and a lot more to be RUDE, UNPROFESSIONAL and a BULLY. You go girl. Get on with your bad self. Good luck to you in life. Seems to be working just fine for you and your ability to bully people. If i knew her name I would add it, however, she didn't provide it. She was too busy bullying me on the call. It must be tough being you.

  • Date Visited 09-2021
  • Overall Satisfaction

    Care by Doctors
    Care by Nurses
    Hospital Cleanliness
    Hosptial Food services

Recommended: Yes




The hospital accepts various types of health insurance, but individual coverage may be variable. You should check with your insurance whether the hospital is in network or not. You can make payment via cash, check, credit card or debit card.


Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport

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