
Dr. Cherrie Abraham is a Vascular Surgeon in Portland, OR, USA. The specialties of Dr. Cherrie Abraham include Vascular Surgery. Dr. Cherrie Abraham is affiliated with Ohsu Hospital And Clinics, University Professional Services. Dr. Cherrie Abraham specializes in diagnosis and treatment of diseases of blood vessels (arteries and veins). Dr. Cherrie Abraham treat patients with problems like carotid stenosis, blockage of leg arteries, aortic aneurysm, varicose veins, leg swelling. Dr. Cherrie Abraham may treat these problems conservatively or perform surgery or stents to open up the blockages. You can find contact information like phone number, practice website, office address and reviews for Dr. Cherrie Abraham.


  • Vascular Surgery

    A vascular surgeon is a medical professional who has been trained to diagnose and treat diseases of the vascular system. The vascular system is made up of blood vessels and veins. It helps blood get to the organs, and if something stops the blood from flowing properly, organs can suffer and patients can become extremely sick. Vascular surgeons can help fix any vascular problems that may occur including blockage of Carotids, blockage of leg arteries,aortic aneurysms and varicose veins.

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    FAQs about Dr. Cherrie Abraham

    Dr. Cherrie Abraham generally accepts new patients.

    Dr. Cherrie Abraham has not indicated on the profile that their office offers tele-health visits. You can call their office to find out more about telehealth visits.

    Dr. Cherrie Abraham has not indicated on the profile that their office offers same day appointments. You can call their office to find out more about same day appointments.

    You can request appointment via HealthSoul or contact their office.

    The top specialties of Dr. Cherrie Abraham include Vascular Surgery

    You can make payment via cash, credit card or debit card.

    The office is located at 3181 Sw Sam Jackson Park Rd in Portland, OR.

    Dr. Cherrie Abraham accepts various types of health insurance, but individual coverage may be variable. You should check with your health insurance whether the particular doctor is in network or not.

    Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Blockage of legs, Carotid Artery Disease, Carotid stenosis, Chronic Venous Insufficiency, Claudication, Dialysis Access, Non-Healing Wounds, Varicose Veins, Venous Disorders, DVT (Deep vein thrombosis), Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm

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