21601 76th Ave W, Edmonds, WA, 98026-7507, USA
(425) 640-4000
Dr. Christopher Wilson is a neurologist in Edmonds, WA, USA. Dr. Christopher Wilson is affiliated with Swedish Edmonds Campus, The Everett Clinic Pllc. Dr. Christopher Wilson specializes in diagnosis and treatment of medical problems related to brain. Dr. Christopher Wilson sees patients with muscle weakness, headaches, dizziness, stroke, seizure. You can find contact information like phone number, practice website, office address and reviews for Dr. Christopher Wilson.
A neurologist is a medical professional who specializes in the study and treatment of disorders that affect the brain and nervous system. The nervous system controls and regulates activity and movement in the body. If the nervous system is not functioning properly, the body cannot function. It is the job of a neurologist to find and correct any problems in the nervous system.
Psychiatrists are doctors who specialize in treating mental, addictive, and emotional disorders. They order diagnostic tests, prescribe medications, and use psychotherapy to help patients and their family members deal with these disorders and diseases. They often work with other doctors and specialists to help come up with the best treatment option for their patients.
MaleProfessional School
University Of Texas Medical Branch At GalvestonDr. Christopher Wilson generally accepts new patients.
Dr. Christopher Wilson has not indicated on the profile that their office offers tele-health visits. You can call their office to find out more about telehealth visits.
Dr. Christopher Wilson has not indicated on the profile that their office offers same day appointments. You can call their office to find out more about same day appointments.
You can request appointment via HealthSoul or contact their office.
The top specialties of Dr. Christopher Wilson include Psychiatry, Neurology
You can make payment via cash, credit card or debit card.
The office is located at 21601 76th Ave W in Edmonds, WA.
Dr. Christopher Wilson accepts various types of health insurance, but individual coverage may be variable. You should check with your health insurance whether the particular doctor is in network or not.
Depression, ADHD, Anxiety, Child Behavior Issues, Job Stress, Low Self Esteem, Parenting Stress, Drug addiction, Bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective disorder, Suicide, Panic disorder, OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder), Borderline personality disorder, Anorexia and Bulimia, Bulimia, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Ataxia, Headache, Meningitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscle weakness, Migraine, Pain Management, Parkinson's disease, Seizure, Tremors, Alzheimer's Dementia
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