
Yo Kondo, M.D. is a Family Medicine or Primary care doctor in Olympia, WA, USA. Yo Kondo, M.D. provides medical care in outpatient clinic. Yo Kondo, M.D. provides preventive care, medical check ups, immunizations, medical treatment for disease like hypertension, diabetes, heart problems and refer to other specialists if needed. You can find contact information like phone number, practice website, office address and reviews for Yo Kondo, M.D..


  • Family Medicine

    Family medicine doctor or Internist is someone who specializes in diagnosing and treating illnesses, diseases, and health problems. Most internists are also primary care doctors and treat patients on a regular basis. They can diagnose and treat common illnesses or more serious problems. Most people see an internist regularly. Those with chronic illnesses may do so on a monthly or even weekly basis. Internists are the most common types of doctors.

  • Pediatrics

    A pediatrician is a healthcare professional who specializes in treating children. They offer physical, behavioral, and mental care for children from birth until age 18. They diagnose and treat common childhood illnesses and health problems as well as more serious health conditions.They also monitor children with checkups to make sure they are growing properly and hitting the correct milestones.

  • Credentials




    Patient reviews of Yo Kondo, M.D.


    FAQs about Yo Kondo, M.D.

    Yo Kondo, M.D. generally accepts new patients.

    Yo Kondo, M.D. has not indicated on the profile that their office offers tele-health visits. You can call their office to find out more about telehealth visits.

    Yo Kondo, M.D. has not indicated on the profile that their office offers same day appointments. You can call their office to find out more about same day appointments.

    You can request appointment via HealthSoul or contact their office.

    The top specialties of Yo Kondo, M.D. include Family Medicine, Pediatrics

    You can make payment via cash, credit card or debit card.

    The office is located at 525 Lilly Road Northeast in Olympia, WA.

    Yo Kondo, M.D. accepts various types of health insurance, but individual coverage may be variable. You should check with your health insurance whether the particular doctor is in network or not.

    Asthma, Syncope, Acne, Sinusitis, Acid Reflux, Adolescent Medicine, Arthritis, Diabetes, Preventive Care, Well Child Care, Women's Health, Flu, Allergic Rhinitis, Allergies, Child Physicals, Cold and Cough, Developmental Delay Evaluation and Management, Growth and Development, Newborn Care, Otitis Media, Rashes, School Physicals, Skin Infections, Sports Physicals, Well Child & Adolescent Care, Rickets

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