
Dr. Christina F. Wong is a Family Medicine or Primary care doctor in Greenville, PA, USA. Dr. Christina F. Wong provides medical care in outpatient clinic. Dr. Christina F. Wong provides preventive care, medical check ups, immunizations, medical treatment for disease like hypertension, diabetes, heart problems and refer to other specialists if needed. You can find contact information like phone number, practice website, office address and reviews for Dr. Christina F. Wong.


  • Family Medicine

    Family medicine doctor or Internist is someone who specializes in diagnosing and treating illnesses, diseases, and health problems. Most internists are also primary care doctors and treat patients on a regular basis. They can diagnose and treat common illnesses or more serious problems. Most people see an internist regularly. Those with chronic illnesses may do so on a monthly or even weekly basis. Internists are the most common types of doctors.

  • Geriatric Medicine

    Geriatric medicine focuses on the health of elderly people. As they age, many people experience age-related health problems, such as fragile bones, skin problems, and issues with eyesight and hearing. Doctors who specialize in geriatric medicine can provide services and solutions for many of these problems. Not only do these physicians treat potential problems, but they also work with patients as they age to help them maintain health, mobility, and quality of life.

  • Optometry

    Optometry is a medical profession that deals with the eyes and eye health. Optometrists can look at patients’ eyes to address abnormalities or irregularities as well as diagnose diseases of the eye. These doctors may also refer patients to surgeons who can correct eye problems. While optometrists do also focus on helping people find corrective lenses that can improve their vision, their focus extends far beyond glasses and contacts to include overall eye health, including management of eye diseases.

  • Credentials




    Professional School


    Affiliated Hospitals

    UPMC Jameson

    Affiliated Practices


    Outpatient ratings

    of Dr. Christina F. Wong

    Overall Satisfaction


    Reception and Nursing Staff


    Explanation of Diagnosis


    Ease of Scheduling


    Trust in Provider


    Appointment Wait Time


    Patient reviews of Dr. Christina F. Wong


    Services Used: Outpatient

    I had head injury which damaged my vision I am really grateful to meet Dr Christina and her staffs she listened and understood my issues and it was resolved.

    • Date Visited 05-2019
    • Overall Satisfaction
    • Explanation of diagnosis and Treatment Plan
    • Trust in Provider

    Recommended: Yes


    Services Used: Outpatient

    Wow that's awesome and amazing

    • Date Visited 04-2020
    • Overall Satisfaction
    • Explanation of diagnosis and Treatment Plan
    • Trust in Provider



    FAQs about Dr. Christina F. Wong

    Dr. Christina F. Wong generally accepts new patients.

    Dr. Christina F. Wong has not indicated on the profile that their office offers tele-health visits. You can call their office to find out more about telehealth visits.

    Dr. Christina F. Wong has not indicated on the profile that their office offers same day appointments. You can call their office to find out more about same day appointments.

    You can request appointment via HealthSoul or contact their office.

    The top specialties of Dr. Christina F. Wong include Family Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Optometry

    You can make payment via cash, credit card or debit card.

    The office is located at 90 Shenango St. in Greenville, PA.

    Dr. Christina F. Wong accepts various types of health insurance, but individual coverage may be variable. You should check with your health insurance whether the particular doctor is in network or not.

    Dr. Christina F. Wong has 2 reviews and overall rating is 4.5. You can read all reviews of Dr. Christina F. Wong here on their profile.

    Well Child Care, Sinusitis, Acid Reflux, Acne, Adolescent Medicine, Arthritis, Diabetes, Preventive Care, Asthma, Women's Health, Syncope

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