
Dr. Lana Gee Gott is a Family Medicine or Primary care doctor in Springfield, OR, USA. Dr. Lana Gee Gott provides medical care in outpatient clinic. Dr. Lana Gee Gott provides preventive care, medical check ups, immunizations, medical treatment for disease like hypertension, diabetes, heart problems and refer to other specialists if needed. You can find contact information like phone number, practice website, office address and reviews for Dr. Lana Gee Gott.


  • Family Medicine

    Family medicine doctor or Internist is someone who specializes in diagnosing and treating illnesses, diseases, and health problems. Most internists are also primary care doctors and treat patients on a regular basis. They can diagnose and treat common illnesses or more serious problems. Most people see an internist regularly. Those with chronic illnesses may do so on a monthly or even weekly basis. Internists are the most common types of doctors.

  • Credentials




    Professional School

    Eastern Virginia Medical School

    Affiliated Hospitals

    Affiliated Practices


    Outpatient ratings

    of Dr. Lana Gee Gott

    Overall Satisfaction


    Reception and Nursing Staff


    Explanation of Diagnosis


    Ease of Scheduling


    Trust in Provider


    Appointment Wait Time


    Patient reviews of Dr. Lana Gee Gott


    Services Used: Outpatient

    I have to say that my Dr.'s office is always understanding when I call and either need an appointment right away or need a prescription changed and sent to my Pharmacy. They are always willing to work with me and try their best to fit me in for an appointment if needed. They also make sure that either my Dr. or the o/c Dr. gets my msgs. about my prescriptions, so they can be changed and called sent over to my Pharmacy. I have to say, I really like my Dr. and all the people that I have made contact with at this clinic.

    • Date Visited 05-2020
    • Overall Satisfaction
    • Explanation of diagnosis and Treatment Plan
    • Trust in Provider

    Recommended: Yes


    Services Used: Outpatient

    Since we are in a "stay at home" decree from the governor because of the coronavirus, I really wasn't sure I wanted to go to the doctor. But since I have lymphadema in my right leg and now my left leg looks as swollen as my right leg. So, I called my Dr. office and they got me in the day after I called. So, because of the corona virus, I was told to call a number when I got to the office. So, when I got to the parking lot of my my Dr's. off ice, I called and told them I was here. Because they were not sure how sick I was, The doctor & her assistant both came out to the car to see me and evaluate me. They both did a great job of taking care of me and even evaluated me in the car I came in to make sure if they could let me inside their offices which is where the people who had come to see the doctor and where not "sick" were being seen. The patients that seemed like they were sick or could be contagious were being seen at their car. After I was seen by my doctor, she no longer thought I was contagious, so she let me go in the clinic and thru the clinic toward the back. so I could get my blood drawn. My dr. decided to put me on diuretics to begin with to see if my legs' swelling went down. If the swelling didn't go down after about a month or so, then he said she would put me back on antibiotics, which I had been on about 1 1/2mo ago. She also explained that eventhough I was taking Potassium everyday as it was, but because she was putting me on diuretics that I would probably be urinating all the Potassium I was taking, so I needed to take some more. So, after being on the diuretics for about 4days, I called my Drs. office and told them that my legs are still really huge. So she told me to up my diuretic from 20mg to 80mg and then up my extra Potassium from 16MEQ to 32MEQ each day. I was then told if things don't change with my legs (they don't get better, or they get worse, then I needed to get ahold of them at the office ASAP. So far, I have not seen any changes in my legs which are so swollen, so we shall see how it is tomorrow.

    • Date Visited 04-2020
    • Overall Satisfaction
    • Explanation of diagnosis and Treatment Plan
    • Trust in Provider

    Recommended: Yes


    FAQs about Dr. Lana Gee Gott

    Dr. Lana Gee Gott generally accepts new patients.

    Dr. Lana Gee Gott has not indicated on the profile that their office offers tele-health visits. You can call their office to find out more about telehealth visits.

    Dr. Lana Gee Gott has not indicated on the profile that their office offers same day appointments. You can call their office to find out more about same day appointments.

    You can request appointment via HealthSoul or contact their office.

    The top specialties of Dr. Lana Gee Gott include Family Medicine

    You can make payment via cash, credit card or debit card.

    The office is located at 2280 Marcola Rd in Springfield, OR.

    Dr. Lana Gee Gott accepts various types of health insurance, but individual coverage may be variable. You should check with your health insurance whether the particular doctor is in network or not.

    Dr. Lana Gee Gott has 2 reviews and overall rating is 4.5. You can read all reviews of Dr. Lana Gee Gott here on their profile.

    Well Child Care, Sinusitis, Acid Reflux, Acne, Adolescent Medicine, Arthritis, Diabetes, Preventive Care, Asthma, Women's Health, Syncope

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