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Overview of Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center

For more than a century, Piedmont Healthcare has been a recognized leader in delivering expert care. Last year, Piedmont served nearly two million patients - performing over 44,000 surgeries, delivering 8,000 babies, providing 471,695 outpatient encounters, completing 235 organ transplants and handling nearly 250,000 emergency room visits. For most, that would be a great track record. For us, it's a good start.

Time to build on our reputation of excellence and enhance our services to deliver a whole new level of compassionate care, and time for discovering new treatment options while providing technology and tools that give patients the information they need - and the voice they deserve in choosing their healthcare.

Of course, the power of technology will never replace the power of a personal touch. That's why at Piedmont, we build long-term patient relationships and strong connections within our communities. What started as a single hospital a century ago has grown into an integrated healthcare system of 11 hospitals and close to 100 physician and specialist offices across greater Atlanta and North Georgia.

Total beds: 66

Hospital Type: Acute Care Hospital

No of Affiliated Doctors: 535

Affiliated Providers :
Show all 535 doctors

Patient ratings

of Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center



Doctor's care


Nursing care


Food Services


Speciality Summary

Emergency Room


Medicare Quality data

The Medicare quality data presented below is derived from the www.cms.gov hospital compare data. Star ratings are limited in scope to the data sources they are derived from. The Hospital Compare overall hospital rating summarizes a variety of measures across 7 areas of quality into a single rating for each hospital.

Overall rating


Patient Experience


Safety of care


Timeliness of care


Staying out of Hospital after treatment


Above national average

Same as national average

Below national average

Patient Experience (HCHAPS) data from Medicare

This data is based on HCAHPS survey by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (www.cms.gov).The HCAHPS survey is administered to a random sample of adult patients across medical conditions between 48 hours and 6 weeks after discharge; the survey isn't restricted to Medicare beneficiaries. Hospital Compare currently reports results for the categories listed below.    

72% Patients that would definitely recommend ( same the national average )

Patient reviews of Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center


Services Used: Emergency Room

My intake in the emergency room was terrible. They did not treat me as a heart valve patient or about my lack of patient history that day. I ended up learning about the whole process and pro cedure of entering the emergency room with shortness of breath and possible symptoms of C O VID - 19. My husband was treated as ihe were a criminal and as if he had COVID-19. He was put into a "holding" room on the same floor as the Coronavirus patients while we waited. He never did get a room on the cardio floor until the morning. The doctor agreed that he would have a small few sips of coffee (he was called at 4:00 am per patient request) and the nurses still refused to get him a small cup of coffee. He ended up walking out (checking himself out Against Medical Advice) much because his extremely judgemental nurses treated him like a criminal for his occasional use of rec drugs.) They beat up his arms trying to draw blood, they made smart -mouth comments about him intravenous drugs, (I believe only God can pass judgement on anyone, not a clique of snobby nurses.) He has a heart condition (congestive heart failure) and a kidney condition, and a , mental health condition - he is a mess to deal with and vulnerable to virus getting to him - but they allowed him to walk through that quarantine floor (operating as a FRAGILE 90-olD wake) and exposed HIM to the virus with a weakened immune system. So - oh well, the heart-attack patient gets a bout of the FLU while I argue with the intake person on how I can have to take advantage of the entire system. He was moved to the cardio failure floor to monitor his kidney condition and release him from "hold" for quarantine of COVID-19. I am so pissed, we are going ahead and finding an attorney to take his case in case he does contract the coronavirus - it would be from Athens Regional healthcare procedures and stupid policies regarding COVID-19. I hope hospitals will revisit the rules soon - remembering that short stays at the hospital and longer at-home recoveries are much better for patients. Not having any visitor at all is a terrible psychological torture to a patient in dire straits. Ultimately, the risks are minor for the visitor compared to the risk my fiance experienced with his 3 life-threatening ailments that were ignored/categorized as potential COVID-19. We had to get him to 2 specialists and those specialists write specific orders to admit him immediately to the hospital with congestive heart failure, kidney failure and distended bladder - not to retest and wait for COVID-19 . Then and only then was he taken care of properly and not handled like an indigent.
I feel that the use of the National Guard was rude and in an attempt to intimidate any customers/patients who dared to question the system in place scared many people (like me) and pissed me off about the entire police-state we have been in lately that is so un-American. Call it like it is - a FLU without a specific vaccine. They wouldn't let my fiance have a visitor while he was in a "holding room" to test for COVID-19 becausewalking me through that floor would possibly expose ME to the virus. What about HIM! He is operating on 15% heart function and 0%

  • Date Visited 06-2020
  • Overall Satisfaction

    Care by Doctors
    Care by Nurses
    Hospital Cleanliness
    Hosptial Food services

Recommended: No


Services Used: Emergency Room

Of course my reviews are terrible because my fiance was treated very poorly at both local hospitals.

  • Date Visited 06-2020
  • Overall Satisfaction

    Care by Doctors
    Care by Nurses
    Hospital Cleanliness
    Hosptial Food services

Recommended: No


The hospital accepts various types of health insurance, but individual coverage may be variable. You should check with your insurance whether the hospital is in network or not. You can make payment via cash, credit card or debit card.

You can request an appointment with specific doctor on hospital's website or make appointment request on HealthSoul.

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